Electron Scattering
V. Pandey*, H. Dai, M. Murphy and D. Abrams
Pre-published on:
August 23, 2019
Published on:
December 12, 2019
For many decades, the study of electron scattering off a nucleus has been used as a tool to probe the properties of that nucleus and its electromagnetic response. In recent years, these studies have become vital starting point in the development of neutrino-nucleus scattering physics that constitutes largest share of systematic uncertainty in the accelerator-based neutrino-oscillation experiments. With the surge of Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) based detectors in the short- (SBN) and long-baseline (DUNE) neutrino programs, the challenges of controlling systematics related to (anti)neutrino-argon scattering are magnified considering the isospin asymmetric nature of argon nucleus and the scarcity of electron-argon scattering studies. In light of these, an electron-argon experiment, E12-14-012, was designed at Jefferson Lab Hall A to study electron scattering on argon (N = 22) and titanium (Z = 22) nuclei using high precision continuous electron beam. The experiment collected data for $(e,e^\prime p)$ and $(e,e^\prime)$ processes on $^{40}$Ar, $^{48}$Ti and $^{12}$C targets covering a broad range of energy transfers where quasielastic scattering and delta production are the dominant reaction mechanisms. In this contribution, we present a brief overview and status of the experiment.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.341.0017
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