Recent major accelerator facilities have been limited in beam power by production target and beam window survivability, where radiation damage to their constituent materials has been identified as the most cross-cutting challenge facing these high power target facilities.
The RaDIATE collaboration, Radiation Damage In Accelerator Target Environments, was formed in 2012 to address this challenge by bringing together experts from the fields of nuclear materials and accelerator target facilities.
The collaboration conducted high intensity proton beam irradiation of test specimens at the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP) facility at BNL, where the specimens, including candidate materials for various beam intercepting device applications, were provided by participating accelerator facilities. Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) of the irradiated specimens is being conducted at participating nuclear/fusion research institutions with appropriate ``hot-cell'' facilities, such as Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
The recent collaboration work also includes efforts to provide the samples irradiated at BLIP to in-beam thermal shock test at CERN's HiRadMat facility. It will be the first examination to observe how the radiation-damaged material will behave when exposed to actual beam loading conditions.
In this talk up-to-date status of these experiments, PIEs, and prospect for the works conducted by the RaDIATE collaboration are over-viewed.