Upgrade Possibility of the ESS Linac for the ESSnuSB Project
B. Gålnander*, M. Eshraqi and A. Farricker
Pre-published on:
October 31, 2019
Published on:
December 12, 2019
The European Spallation Source (ESS), currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is the world’s most powerful neutron spallation source, with an average power of 5 MW at 2.0 GeV. The linac accelerates a proton beam of 62.5 mA peak current at 4 % duty cycle (2.86 ms at 14 Hz). The ESS neutrino Super Beam Project (ESSnuSB) proposes to utilise this powerful accelerator as a proton driver for a neutrino beam that will be sent to a large underground Cherenkov detector in Garpenberg, mid-Sweden. By adding a second H⁻ beam, interleaved with the proton beam, the duty cycle will be increased to 8 % and the average power to 10 MW. In this paper we discuss the modifications of the ESS linac required to reach an additional 5 MW beam power for neutrino production in parallel to spallation neutron production.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.341.0115
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