PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 341 - The 20th International Workshop on Neutrinos (NuFACT2018) - Wg 4
Searches for Electric Dipole Moments (EDM) at a Storage Ring with JEDI
M. Zurek*  on behalf of the Jedi Collaboration
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Pre-published on: August 26, 2019
Published on: December 12, 2019
Understanding the origin of the matter-antimatter imbalance in the universe is one of the grand challenges of modern physics. One of the necessary conditions for this matter imbalance is the violation of CP symmetry. Predictions given by the Standard Model fail to explain the observed preponderance of matter by orders of magnitude. Therefore, new sources of CP violation, coming from outside the Standard Model, are needed. They can be seen in Electric Dipole Moments (EDM) of elementary particles.

The efforts of the Juelich Electric Dipole Moment Investigations (JEDI) Collaboration concentrate on the development of the required technologies for a dedicated storage-ring experiment, and a first precursor measurement with deuterons at the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) using an RF Wien Filter to demonstrate the feasibility of such a study. These proceedings summarize the progress which has been made within the JEDI Collaboration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.341.0125
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