Abstract - The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) provides energy sums to the Level-1
Calorimeter Trigger at a rate of 40 MHz. The processing of these trigger primitives (TPs) is
performed by dedicated trigger concentrator cards (TCCs) located in the CMS service cavern.
Updates to the functionality of the TCCs were required to respond to the challenging
experimental conditions of LHC Run 2, where the center-of-mass of proton-proton collision
energy was 13 TeV and the peak instantaneous luminosity of the proton beams reached 2x1034
cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. A new algorithm, termed the Cumulative Overflow Killing Engine (COKE), has been
developed and implemented via software and firmware updates to the TCCs in order to
automatically detect and mask noisy or problematic TPs via configurable thresholds. The autorecovery of the TCCs has also been improved, to manage the Single Event Upsets (SEUs) from
the front-end electronics. This allows the detector to trigger efficiently without direct expert
intervention, and the thresholds can evolve with evolving LHC conditions.