  author = "Terzo, Stefano  and  Benoit, Mathieu  and  Cavallaro, Emanuele  and  Casanova, Raimon  and  Foerster, Fabian  and  Grinstein, Sebastian  and  Iacobucci, Giuseppe  and  Peric, Ivan  and  Puigdengoles, Carles  and  Vilella, Eva",
  title = "{Radiation hard Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors with high-resistivity substrates}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.343.0125",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics {\textemdash} PoS(TWEPP2018)",
  year = 2019,
  volume = "343",
  pages = "125"