PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 344 - 14th European VLBI Network Symposium & Users Meeting (EVN2018) - Stellar Evolution Session 2
NGC6334I - Tracing the Gas Motion During A Contemporaneous Maser Flare Event
J.O. Chibueze*, T. Hirota, T. Hunter, G. MacLeod, C.L. Brogan and R. van Rooyen
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Pre-published on: October 01, 2019
Published on: October 09, 2019
NGC 6334 I showed evidence of episodic accretion event observed as flares in multiple maser species (water, methanol and hydroxyl) and a brightening of the dust continuum emission in millimetre wavelength. Our multi-epoch water maser observations overlapped with this episodic event. Evidence of compact outflows and turbulent gas motion can me seen in the region. MM1 (a dominant millimetre source in the region) recently excited 6.7 GHz methanol masers, and the gas motion around it trace the earliest activities associated formation of the driving source(s) in the region.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.344.0038
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