@inproceedings{Engels:2019Gi, author = "Engels, Ralf and Awwad, Hani M. and Clausen, Sven and Grigoryev, Kirill and Huxold, Lukas and König, Florian and Martic, Marco and Rolofs, Annabel and Sartison, Waldemar and Ströher, Hans and Büscher, Markus and Vasilyev, Alexander A. and Kochenda, Leonid and Kravtsov, Peter and Trofimov, Viktor and Vznudaev, Marat", title = "{Production and Storage of Polarized H2, D2 and HD Molecules}", doi = "10.22323/1.346.0099", booktitle = "Proceedings of 23rd International Spin Physics Symposium {\textemdash} PoS(SPIN2018)", year = 2019, volume = "346", pages = "099" }