The polarized deuteron source for Van de Graaff accelerator
Y. Plis*, J. Černý, A. Fedorov, I. Gapienko, G. Gurevich, Z. Kohout, J. Petrik, S. Pospišil, M. Solar, J. Švejda, Y. Usov and I. Wilhelm
Pre-published on:
August 19, 2019
Published on:
August 23, 2019
An attempt is made to develop a polarized deuteron source suited for the Van de Graaff accelerator of Czech Technical Universit in Prague. We base on Kaminsky's experiment on channeling deuterons through a Ni single crystal. The setup is described, which contains permanent magnets with a transversal magnetic field to increase the deuteron polarization using the Sona method (zero transition). The measurements of tensor polarization were carried out with a TiT target. The result is Pzz = -0.12±0.04 for a weak field at the target without channeling. The ultimate aim is to produce 14-MeV polarized neutrons which will be used jointly with the frozen-spin polarized deuteron target for measurement of ΔσT and ΔσL asymmetries in the nd-transmission experiment.
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