PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 350 - 7th Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2019) - Posters
Weak dipole moments of the top quark and flavor violation
B. Quezadas Vivian*, J.I. Aranda Sánchez, J. Montaño Domínguez, F.I. Ramírez Zavaleta and E.S. Tututi Hernández
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Pre-published on: August 08, 2019
Published on: December 04, 2019
We calculate the weak electromagnetic static properties for any charged fermion of the Standard Model (SM) in the context of a general effective extended vector neutral current model with flavor changing $\bar{f}_if_jZ'$.
In this work we give phenomenological results for the weak electromagnetic properties of the quark top.
We use known theoretical constraints coming from various $Z'$ models to bound the effective coupling parameters, and we compare our results with the theoretical prediction of the $Z$ from the SM. The experimental detection of non $–$ zero anomalous weak electro magnetic dipole moments of heavy
fermions, at the current sensitivity, would be a clear evidence of new physics beyond the SM.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.350.0066
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