ATLAS and CMS measurements on spectroscopy
J. Mejía* on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Pre-published on:
September 01, 2019
Published on:
December 04, 2019
This proceeding contribution presents a selected number of studies performed by the ATLAS and the CMS experiments on b-hadron spectroscopy. Both collaborations have a rich b-hadron physics program on exploiting the large cross section of b-hadrons at the high energies of the LHC. For the ATLAS collaboration, we report the observation of an excited $B_c^{+}$ meson state and the search for a structure in the $B_s\pi^{\pm}$ invariant mass spectrum. For the CMS collaboration, recent results in the study of the $B^{+}\to J/\psi \Lambda p$ decay and observation of two excited Bc states and measurement of the $B_c^{+}(2S)$ mass.
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