Proton-proton collision data with low pile-up at a centre-of-mass
$\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV at the Large Hadron Collider with an integrated luminosity
of 1.67 nb$^{−1}$ were collected by the ATLAS Collaboration and used to study
inclusive single diffractive dissociation, pp $\rightarrow$ Xp. The intact
forward-going proton is measured in the ALFA spectrometer,
while charged particles from the dissociated system X are measured in the
central ATLAS detector components. Cross sections are measured as functions of
the proton fractional energy loss $\xi$, the squared four momentum transfer
$t$, and the size of the visible part of the rapidity gap between the
proton and the system X. The results are interpreted in the framework of
Regge phenomenology.