Dark Matter searches with CMS
D. Vannerom* on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
July 29, 2019
Published on:
October 04, 2019
Numerous cosmological observations support the existence of a large amount of non-radiating matter in the universe which cannot originate from any Standard Model (SM) particle. This non-visible mass is called Dark Matter (DM) and its nature is still unknown. Should it exist in the form of particles, it may be possible to produce DM at the LHC. Finding such particles could explain many of the deviations between SM predictions and cosmological observations. Now that the Higgs boson has been discovered, Dark Matter is one of the main target of the physics program of the CMS collaboration. We present some of the latest searches for DM particles with the CMS detector in the most sensitive final states.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.352.0111
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