PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 352 - XXVII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS2019) - Working Group 5: Physics with Heavy Flavours
Hadroproduction of open heavy flavour for PDF analyses
H. Paukkunen* and I. Helenius
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: May 21, 2019
Published on: October 04, 2019
Due to the large masses of the charm and bottom quarks, their production cross sections are calculable within the perturbative QCD. This makes the heavy-quark mesons important observables in high-energy collisions of protons and nuclei. However, the available calculations for heavy-flavored-meson hadroproduction have been somewhat problematic in reliably describing the cross sections across the full kinematic range from zero to very high $p_{\rm T}$. This has put some question marks on the robustness of LHC heavy-flavored-meson measurements in studying the partonic structure of the colliding hadrons and nuclei. Here, we introduce SACOT-$m_{\rm T}$ - a novel scheme for open heavy-flavour hadroproduction within the general-mass variable-flavour-number formalism that solves this problem. The introduced scheme is an analogue of the SACOT-$\chi$ scheme often used for deeply-inelastic scattering in global analyses of PDFs.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.352.0160
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