Opportunities for spin physics at EIC
Pre-published on:
July 21, 2019
Published on:
October 04, 2019
This is a brief overview of the spin physics opportunities at a high energy, high luminosity, polarized Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). It covers measurements of electroweak polarized structure functions, quark and gluon PDFs, TMDs, GPDs and GTMDs. Exploiting the many possible final states allows to probe various spin effects. Open and bound heavy quark production can be used to probe gluon TMDs, but also color-octet NRQCD long distance matrix elements. Spin-dependent fragmentation functions can be used too, but are also interesting in themselves. Especially for studies of the small-$x$ and the high-$Q^2$ spin structure the EIC will be essential.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.352.0266
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