Inclination Dependence Of The Time-Lag – Photon-Index Correlation In BHXRBs And Its Explanation With A Simple Jet Model
N.D. Kylafis* and P. Reig
Published on:
February 25, 2020
Recently, we reported an observational correlation between a) the time-lag of the hard (9 - 15 keV) with respect to the soft (2 - 5 keV) X-ray photons in black-hole X-ray binaries (BHXRBs) and b) the power-law photon index $\Gamma$ of the X-ray spectrum. This was physically explained with a simple jet model, i.e., a model where the Comptonization (the Compton upscattering of soft photons) happens in the jet. Here, we report the inclination dependence of this correlation, which we also explain with our jet model. Photons that emerge at different polar angles from the jet axis have different spectra and different time-lags. Because of this, we can explain {{\it quantitatively}} the type-B QPOs of GX 339-4 as resulting from a precessing jet.
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