PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 357 - The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (Asterics2019) - Data Access and Open Science
Public engagement as a scientific tool to implement multi-messenger strategies with the Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory
P. Homola*, D. Alvarez-Castillo, A. Duffy, D. Gora, B. Hnatyk, P. Jagoda, M. Kasztelan, K. Kopanski, P. Kovasc, M. Krupinski, A. Mozgova, V. Nazari, M. Niedzwiecki, W. Noga, D. Ostrogorski, K. Smolek, J. Stasielak, O. Sushchov, T. Wibig, K. Wozniak, J. Zamora-Saa  on behalf of the CREDO Collaboration
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Pre-published on: August 08, 2019
Published on: January 28, 2020
The Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory (CREDO) uses the hunt for particle cascades from deep space as a vehicle for a unique ``bottom-up'' approach to scientific research. By engaging the non-specialist public of all ages as ``citizen scientists'' we create opportunities for lifelong learning for individuals as well as for cooperation and the sharing of common educational tools amongst institutions. The discoveries of these citizen scientists will feed directly into a pioneering new area of scientific research oriented on Cosmic Ray Ensembles (CRE). The detection (or non-detection) of such particle groups promises to open up a new method for exploring our universe, and a new channel on the multi-messenger stage, oriented on both astro- and geo-investigations. The opportunities this would create for cross-disciplinary research are significant and beneficial for individuals, networks of institutions and the global communities of both professional scientists and science enthusiasts.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.357.0034
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