Exposure to secondary radiation in the atmosphere due to cosmic rays at cruising aviation altitudes is an important topic in the field of space weather. The contribution of galactic cosmic rays to the exposure can be assessed on the basis of models. However, assessment of the dose rate
during strong solar particle events (SEPs) is rather complicated, because of their large diversity and stochastic occurrence. Of specific interest are SEPs with energy high enough to produce extensive air showers, which can be registered by ground-based detectors e.g. neutron monitors
(NMs), namely ground level enhancements (GLEs). During such events, usually a significant enhancement of the radiation exposure at flight altitudes is observed, specifically over the polar regions. Here, we provide information about derived SEP energy/rigidity spectra using records from the global NM network and the corresponding computed effective doses for several events. A corresponding upgrade of the existing GLE database is provided. We propose to use a convenient proxy based on global NM data in order to assess the effective dose at flight altitude during strong solar particle events.