The Tracking System of HERD
C. Perrina*, G. Ambrosi, P. Azzarello, F. Cadoux, E. Catanzani, Y. Favre, D. La Marra, G. Silvestre, J. Wang and X. Wu
Pre-published on:
July 30, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility will be one of the future astronomy missions on board the Chinese Space Station. The main objective of HERD is the direct detection of cosmic rays towards the "knee" region ($ \sim1$ PeV), with an excellent energy resolution ($<1\%$ for electrons and photons at 200 GeV and $20\%$ for nuclei from 100 GeV to PeV), an unprecedented acceptance (> 1 m${}^2$sr), and long life-time ($> 10$ years). The tracking system of HERD will provide a full coverage of the 5-side sensitive HERD detector, allowing for a sub-degree angular resolution and multiple redundant and independent measurements of the charge of nuclei. Both silicon strip and scintillating fiber tracking detectors are being considered. The HERD tracker design, the results of on-ground tests carried out with particle beams at CERN and comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations will be presented in this contribution.
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