Using ground based detectors, the accuracy in the estimation of the properties (mass, energy, direction) of high energy primary cosmic rays arriving on Earth is limited due to the effect of the atmosphere (mainly, pressure and temperature) on the measured ``secondary cosmic rays''. Whereas the ground pressure is quite easy to measure (a first order linear correction can be readily perform), the correction of the temperature effect on muon detectors is particularly complicated; as a matter of fact no standard method exists.
Trasgo detectors are high resolution tracking devices, providing: (i) high resolution on position and time, (ii) the capability of measuring high-multiplicity events, and (iii) some muon-electron separation. As different event topologies do correspond -usually- to different evolution of showers, then by keeping memory of the different pressure layers of the atmosphere, the analysis of the trends of different multiplicity and composition events may provide information in real time of the changes of the temperature in high levels of the atmosphere.
This feature opens the door to the development of auto-calibrated detectors, able to perform a real time estimation of the temperature profile of the atmosphere, as well as a real time correction of the data by the atmospheric effect.
Some preliminary results on the correlations between cosmic rays and temperature profile of the atmosphere (using data taken with the TRAGALDABAS detector at the Univ. of Santiago de Compostela) will be shown and discussed.