  author = "Allison, Patrick  and  Beatty, James  and  Beaufore, Lucas  and  Chen, Yu  and  Coutu, Stephane  and  Ellingwood, Emma  and  Gebharb, Mark  and  Green, Noah  and  Hanna, David  and  Kunkler, Brandon  and  Mognet, Samuel Isaac  and  Mbarek, Rostom  and  McBride, Keith  and  Michaels, Kelli  and  Muller, Dietrich  and  Musser, James  and  Nutter, Scott  and  O'Brien, Stephan  and  Park, Nahee  and  Rosin, Thomas  and  Schreyer, Ethan  and  Tarle, Gregory  and  Tabata, Makoto  and  Tomasch, Andrew  and  Visser, Gerard  and  Wakely, Scott  and  Werner, Tyler  and  Wisher, Ian  and  Yu, Monong",
  title = "{Calibration of the Aerogel Tiles for the HELIX RICH}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.358.0133",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2019)",
  year = 2019,
  volume = "358",
  pages = "133"