PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 358 - 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019) - CRI - Cosmic Ray Indirect
Symmetrizing the signal distribution of radio emission from inclined air showers
T. Huege*, F. Schlüter and L. Brenk
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Pre-published on: August 30, 2019
Published on: July 02, 2021
Radio detection of inclined air showers currently receives special attention. It can be performed with very sparse antenna arrays and yields a pure measurement of the electromagnetic air-shower component, thus delivering information that is highly complementary to the measurement of the muonic component using particle detectors. However, radio-based reconstruction of inclined air showers is challenging in light of asymmetries induced in the radio-signal distribution by early-late effects as well as the superposition of geomagnetic and charge-excess radiation. We present a model for the signal distribution of radio emission from inclined air showers which allows explicit compensation of these asymmetries. In a first step, geometrical early-late asymmetries are removed. Secondly, a universal parameterization of the charge-excess fraction as a function of the air-shower geometry, the atmospheric density profile and the lateral distance from the shower axis is used to compensate for the charge-excess contribution to the signal. The resulting signal distribution of the pure geomagnetic emission is then fit with a rotationally symmetric lateral distribution function, the area integration of which yields the radiation energy as an estimator for the cosmic-ray energy. We present the details and performance of our model, which lays the foundation for robust and precise reconstruction of inclined air showers from radio measurements.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.0294
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