Energy Spectrum Measured by the Telescope Array
D. Ivanov* and On behalf of the Telescope Array collaboration
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
The Telescope Array (TA) is a cosmic ray detector in the Northern hemisphere that is sensitive to cosmic rays of energies ranging from ~2 PeV to 100 EeV and higher. The main TA consists of two types of detectors: a ground array of 507 plastic scintillation counters, that covers an area of ~700 km$^{2}$ area on the ground, and a fluorescence detector (FD), distributed among 3 stations, that overlooks the ground array. The TA Low Energy Extension (TALE) consists of 10 additional fluorescence telescopes, at one of the TA FD stations, that are pointed to view higher elevation angles, and an infill array of 103 plastic scintillation counters in the field of view of the telescopes. The main TA measures cosmic rays of energies from 1 EeV and higher, and the TALE extends the sensitivity of TA to ~2 PeV. In this work, we summarize the latest TA and TALE spectrum measurements.
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