BGO Track Reconstruction with DAMPE
S. Lei*, W. Jiang on behalf of the DAMPE Collaboration
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
The BGO calorimeter (BGO) on board the DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is composed of 308 BGO scintillation crystals hodoscopically arranged in 14 layers to measure the three- dimensional shower profile of particles. In addition to the measurement of particle energy and differentiating between electromagnetic and hadronic showers, the BGO image is also used to measure the direction of the incident particle despite its moderate resolution. Making use of the entire shower image in the BGO, the BGO shower axis reconstructed is less effected by the back- splash effect and secondary particles, in good complement to the STK track especially for high energy events. The BGO track reconstructed is used as a seed for the STK track reconstruction as well as to identify the STK track best associate with the incident particle. We introduce in this proceeding an improved BGO track reconstruction algorithm that provides results of higher accuracy as demonstrated using both flight data and simulation data.
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