The ANTARES and IceCube neutrino telescopes have both searched for neutrinos from dark
matter annihilation in the Galactic Centre, putting limits on the thermally-averaged dark matter self-annihilation cross section $\langle\sigma_A\upsilon\rangle$. For WIMP masses above 100 GeV, the most stringent limits were obtained by the ANTARES neutrino telescope, while for lower masses, limits achieved by IceCube are more competitive. The limits obtained by the two detectors are of comparable order of magnitude for WIMP masses going from 50 to 1000 GeV, making this mass range particularly interesting for a combined analysis. In this contribution, we present the limits of the first combined search for dark matter self-annihilation in the centre of the Milky Way using ANTARES and IceCube. The model parameters and the likelihood method were unified, thereby providing a benchmark for future dark matter searches conducted by both collaborations. By combining data of both detectors, we obtained improved limits with respect to the original limits published by both collaborations.