Particle acceleration at, and gamma-ray emission from supernova remnants in chemically enriched media
M. Pohl*, M. Bhatt, A. Fedynitch, I. Sushch, R. Brose, S. Das and D. Meyer
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
Supernova remnants often evolve in material with high abundance of heavy elements such as carbon or oxygen. Hadronic collisions in these enriched media spawn the production of secondary particles such as gamma rays, neutrinos, and secondary electrons with spectra that cannot be scaled from those calculated for pp collisions, potentially leading to erroneous results. We used Monte-Carlo event generators to calculate the differential production rate of secondary particles such as gamma rays, neutrinos, and secondary electrons for H, He, C, and O nuclei as projectiles and as target material. The cross sections and the multiplicity spectra are separately computed for each of the 16 combinations of projectile and target. We describe characteristic effects in the form and normalization of spectra.
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