Novel Signals from Neutron Star Mergers at 511 keV
Pre-published on:
August 03, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
Synergetic observations of multi-band coincidence signals from merging neutron stars have definitively marked the significance of multi-messenger astronomy. We present a new generic signature of neutron star mergers, positron emission and the associated 511 keV radiation, produced from ejected neutron-rich radioactive merger material. Accounting for historical neutron star mergers within the Milky Way allows to readily explain the origin of the long-observed 511 keV emission line from the Galactic Center. Further, we draw a direct link between heavy element production ($r$-process nucleosynthesis) and 511 keV emission, which signifies the surprising recent observations of Reticulum II ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxy as a smoking gun of our proposal. This novel tracer of neutron star mergers provides a distinct handle for exploring binary merger history.
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