A search for astrophysical neutrino sources using the data collected by the ANTARES detector between January 29, 2007 and December 31, 2017 is presented. A likelihood stacking method is used, allowing the significance of a global excess of neutrino events in correlation with catalogs to be assessed.
Different catalogs are considered: a) a sub-sample of the Fermi 3LAC, b) a star-forming galaxy catalog, c) a sample of giant radio-galaxies, and d) a jet-obscured AGN population.
The star-forming galaxies in b) were selected in the GeV range by Fermi-LAT, and have been used in a recent analysis by the Pierre Auger Collaboration.
The catalog c) is built from radio and soft gamma-ray surveys (SWIFT-BAT and INTEGRAL), and it contains the brightest and most accretion-efficient radio galaxies with a double lobed radio morphology.
The catalog d) provides a complementary test with the jet-obscured AGN morphology, where an enhanced neutrino production is expected, whereas UHECRs and gamma-ray production are damped.
As an additional and independant test, the correlation of ANTARES neutrinos with 51 public track events from IceCube is evaluated: 36 tracks from the 8 year up-going muons (deposited energy above 200 TeV) and 15 additional tracks from the 6 year HESE sample are used for this study.