PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 358 - 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019) - NU - Neutrino
AMON: TeV Gamma and Neutrino Coincidence Alerts from HAWC and IceCube subthreshold data
H. Ayala*  on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration  on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration  on behalf of the AMON Project
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Pre-published on: July 22, 2019
Published on: July 02, 2021
The era of multimessenger astrophysics has arrived with the simultaneous
operation of large cosmic-ray, gamma-ray, neutrino, and gravitational-wave
observatories. In just the past two years, an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart was detected for a gravitational wave event, and evidence for an EM counterpart of high energy neutrinos has been identified. These measurements
have had a major impact on our view of the non-thermal universe, but
understanding cosmic accelerators require a substantial increase in the number
of multimessenger observations. The Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory
Network (AMON) is designed for high-statistics searches of sub-threshold
transient alerts from gamma-ray and neutrino detectors. Within AMON, we have
implemented a joint-likelihood analysis of TeV gamma-ray measurements from
the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory and neutrinos from the
IceCube Neutrino Observatory. AMON is ready to produce real-time coincidence
alerts using HAWC ``hotspots'' and IceCube astrophysical neutrino events. These
alerts will be distributed to AMON follow-up partners with a median anticipated
delay of six hours, which corresponds to a full transit in the field of view of
HAWC. The alerts will have an angular resolution of ${\sim} 0.2^{\circ}$, making them well-
suited for deep electromagnetic follow-up observations.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.0841
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