A More Complete Phenomenology of Tau Lepton Induced Air Showers
A. Cummings*, R. Aloisio, M.E. Bertaina, F. Bisconti, F. Fenu and F. Salamida
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
Many proposed and upcoming experiments seek to observe signals from upward going air showers initiated by tau leptons resulting from neutrino interactions inside the Earth. To save calculation time, event estimations for these observation methods are usually performed while making several assumptions about the showers themselves, which simplifies their rich phenomenology and may or may not lead to inaccuracies in results. Here, we present results of extensive CORSIKA simulations of upward going tau initiated showers in the energy range 1 PeV to 10 EeV. Specifically, we monitor the Cherenkov emission, the charged particle distributions, and the timing of the showers for different geometric configurations. We analyze the impact of the decay length and different decay modes of the tau on particle distributions and compare to primaries usually utilized to simulate a tau shower, such as gammas, electrons, and protons. We also check the accuracy of many of the usual assumptions of these showers and analyze the often ignored muon channel of the tau decay.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.0862
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