PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 358 - 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019) - NU - Neutrino
Probing neutrino emission at GeV energies from compact binary mergers with IceCube
G. De Wasseige*, I. Bartos, K. de Vries, E. O'Sullivan  on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration
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Pre-published on: July 22, 2019
Published on: July 02, 2021
The advent of Multi-Messenger Astronomy has allowed for new types of source searches within the neutrino community. We present the results of the first search for GeV astrophysical neutrinos emitted from Compact Binary Mergers, i.e. binary black hole or binary neutron star mergers, detected by the LIGO and Virgo interferometers. We introduce a new approach that lowers the energy threshold of IceCube from roughly 10 GeV to <1 GeV. This method uses an innovative event selection of GeV neutrino events in IceCube and searches for a statistically significant increase in the amount of GeV-like events detected around the Compact Binary Merger time. We compare our results with constraints set by high-energy neutrino searches, and describe the complementarity of these low and high-energy searches.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.358.0865
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