Exploring the QCD phase diagram at finite density by the complex Langevim method on a 163×32 lattice
S. Tsutsui*, Y. Ito, H. Matsufuru, J. Nishimura, S. Shimasaki and A. Tsuchiya
Pre-published on:
January 04, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
We explore the QCD phase diagram at finite density with four-flavor staggered fermions using the complex Langevin method, which is a promising approach to overcome the sign problem. In our previous work on an 83×16 lattice at β=5.7 with the quark mass m=0.01, we have found that the baryon number density has a clear plateau as a function of the chemical potential. In this study, we use a 163×32 lattice to reduce finite volume effects and find that the plateau structure survives. Moreover, the number of quarks in the plateau region turns out to be 24, which is exactly the same as the one obtained previously on the 83×16 lattice. We provide a simple interpretation of this number, which suggests that the Fermi sphere is starting to form.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.363.0151
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