High time resolution, two-dimensional position sensitive MSMGRPC for high energy physics experiments
M. Petris*, D. Bartos, M. Petrovici, L. Radulescu, V. Simion, J. Fruehauf, I. Deppner and N. Herrmann
Pre-published on:
September 30, 2020
Published on:
November 12, 2020
Latest results of the R&D activity devoted to the development of the multi-strip multi-gap resistive plate counter (MSMGRPC) prototype with the highest granularity of the Time of Flight (TOF) subsystem of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment are reported in this contribution. The new designed MSMGRPC fulfills simultaneously the granularity requirement and the optimum matching of the characteristic impedance of the signal transmission line to the input impedance of the front-end electronics, exploiting the special architecture of the high voltage and signal electrodes. The results in terms of the efficiency and time resolution, obtained in the laboratory cosmic ray test using a triggered data acquisition system and in heavy ion in-beam test based on a free streaming readout in mCBM setup at SIS18/GSI Darmstadt, are reported.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.364.0130
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