PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 364 - European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2019) - Searches for New Physics
LHC constraints on the minimal Dirac gaugino model.
H. Reyes-González*, G. Chalons, M.D. Goodsell, S. Kraml and S.L. Williamson
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Pre-published on: June 16, 2020
Published on: November 12, 2020
Most SUSY searches at the LHC are optimised for the MSSM, where gauginos are Majorana particles. By introducing Dirac gauginos, we obtain an enriched phenomenology, from which considerable differences in the LHC signatures and limits are expected as compared to the MSSM.
Concretely, in the minimal Dirac gaugino model (MDGSSM) we have six neutralino and three chargino states. Moreover, production cross sections are enhanced for gluinos, while for squarks they are suppressed. In this contribution, we explore the consequences of the current LHC limits on gluinos and squarks in this model.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.364.0579
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