  author = "Benhammadi, Seddik  and  Dopke, Jens  and  Guerrini, Nicola  and  Phillips, Peter  and  Sedgwick, Iain  and  Villani, Giulio  and  Wilson, Fergus  and  Zhang, Zhige  and  Warren, Matt  and  Allport, Philip Patrick  and  Bosley, Robert  and  Flynn, Samuel  and  Gonella, Laura  and  Kopsalis, Ioannis  and  Nikolopoulos, Konstantinos  and  Price, Tony  and  Watson, Nigel  and  Winter, Alasdair  and  Worm, Steve",
  title = "{DECAL: A Reconfigurable Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for use in Calorimetry and Tracking}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.370.0040",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics {\textemdash} PoS(TWEPP2019)",
  year = 2020,
  volume = "370",
  pages = "040"