PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 370 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP2019) - Asic
Development of RD50-MPW2: a high-speed monolithic HV-CMOS prototype chip within the CERN-RD50 collaboration
C. Zhang*, G. Casse, N. Massari, E. Vilella and J. Vossebeld
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Pre-published on: March 20, 2020
Published on: April 21, 2020
The CERN-RD50 collaboration has ongoing research to further develop monolithic High Voltage-CMOS (HV-CMOS) sensors in a 150 nm process for future particle physics experiments. As a part of this research programme, a test chip (RD50-MPW2) that implements new methodologies for low leakage current and fast and low-noise readout circuitry has been designed and submitted for fabrication. This article presents the design details and simulation results of the 8 × 8 matrix of high-speed monolithic HV-CMOS pixels included in RD50-MPW2, in which two flavours of fast pixels are implemented: a conventional continuous-reset pixel and a switched-reset pixel with a novel asynchronous switched-reset scheme.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.370.0045
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