PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 372 - Artificial Intelligence for Science, Industry and Society (AISIS2019) - Day 5
Robotics, AI and Machine Vision
J. Savage*, A. Nakayama and C. Sarmiento
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: July 10, 2020
Published on: January 28, 2021
This paper presents a compilation of the accumulated development in the Bio-Robotics laboratory of the Engineering Faculty at UNAM. The techniques used to build robotic service systems are briefly mentioned. In particular, a line of research has been developed using most of them interdependently in what is called in a hybrid system ViRBot (VIrtual and Real roBOt sysTem);a system to operate mobile robots.

ViRBot is an abstraction system integrated into four specialized layers; Input, planning, knowledge management, and execution to provide intelligence to a mechatronic agent to execute the service in domestic environments. This project has been developed incrementally with the participation of students and profesors. Currently, the ViRBot system inter-operates with ROS and together, they form an intelligent systems development platform for computer vision, digital signal processing, automatic planning, automatic control and human-robot interaction.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.372.0043
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