PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 376 - Corfu Summer Institute 2019 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" (CORFU2019) - Workshop on Connecting Insights in Fundamental Physics: Standard Model and Beyond
Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology
I. Antoniadis* and A. Chatrabhuti
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Published on: August 18, 2020
We discuss the possibility that inflation is driven by supersymmetry breaking with the superpartner of the goldstino (sgoldstino) playing the role of the inflaton. Imposing an R-symmetry allows to satisfy easily the slow-roll conditions, avoiding the so-called $\eta$-problem, and leads to an interesting class of small field inflation models, characterised by an inflationary plateau around the maximum of the scalar potential near the origin, where R-symmetry is restored with the inflaton rolling down to a minimum describing the present phase of the Universe. Inflation can be driven by either an F- or a D-term, while the minimum has a positive tuneable vacuum energy. The models agree with cosmological observations and in the simplest case predict a rather small tensor-to-scalar ratio of primordial perturbations.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.376.0081
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