Precision absolute polarimeter development for the 3He++ ion beam at 5.0-6.0 MeV energy
G. Atoian*, A. Zelenski and A. Poblaguev
Published on:
September 23, 2020
We propose to make precision measurements of the absolute 3He++ polarization at beam energies 5.0-6.0 MeV after the EBIS LINAC. The analyzing power AN for the elastic scattering of polarized 3He with unpolarized 4He target with selected kinematic angles is expected to reach the value 100% in this energy range. The main effort of this work is the development of the precision absolute polarimeter for the measurements of the 3He++ beam polarization produced in the EBIS as a reference for the further polarization measurements along the accelerator chain. The polarimeter vacuum system is integrated in the spin-rotator transport line. The 3He++ ion beam will enter the scattering chamber through the thin window to minimize beam energy losses. The scattering chamber is filled with 4He gas at about 5 torr pressure. The silicon strip detectors will be used for energy and TOF measurements of the scattered 3He and recoil 4He nuclei (in coincidence) for the identification of the scattering kinematics. The status of the polarimeter development: vacuum system, scattering chamber, thin window, Si-strip detectors with end-off electronics and WFD- based DAQ will be presented.
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