We present results for $\Lambda$ and $\Lambda\Lambda$ hypernuclei with $A=4-7$ using the Jacobi no-core shell model in combination with baryon-baryon interactions derived within the framework of chiral effective field theory. First, we discuss the predictions of two almost phase-equivalent next-to-leading order YN interactions, NLO13 and NLO19, for the $^4_{\Lambda}\mathrm{He}$,
$^5_{\Lambda}\mathrm{He}$, and $^7_{\Lambda}\mathrm{Li}$ systems.
We then report on a calculation of $s$-shell $\Lambda\Lambda$ hypernuclei based on chiral YY potentials at LO and NLO. The prediction of NLO for $^{\text{ }\text{ }\text{ } \text{}6}_{\Lambda \Lambda}\text{He}$ are consistent with experiment. Both interactions also yield a bound state for $^{\text{ }\text{ }\text{ } \text{}5}_{\Lambda \Lambda}\text{He}$, whereas the $^{\text{ }\text{ }\text{ } \text{}4}_{\Lambda \Lambda}\text{H}$
system is predicted to be unbound.