PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 380 - Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2021 (PANIC2021) - Neutrino physics
Electrons for Neutrinos
M. Betancourt*  on behalf of the CLAS and e4ν Collaborations
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Pre-published on: March 15, 2022
Published on: May 24, 2022
The ability of current and next generation accelerator based neutrino oscillation measurements
to reach their desired sensitivity requires a high level of understanding of the neutrino-nucleus interactions. This includes precise estimation of the relevant cross sections for the incident neutrino energy from the measured final state particles. Incomplete understanding of these interactions can skew the reconstructed neutrino spectrum and thereby bias the extraction of fundamental oscillation parameters and searches for new physics. In this talk, I will present new results of wide phase-space electron scattering data, collected with the CLAS spectrometer at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab), where the reconstruction of the incoming lepton energy from the measured final state is being tested. Disagreements with current event generators, used in the analysis of neutrino oscillation measurements, are observed which indicate underestimation of nuclear effects.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.380.0276
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