PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 380 - Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2021 (PANIC2021) - Neutrino physics
Neutrino Oscillation Results from the NOvA Experiment
E. Smith* and  On behalf of the NOvA collaboration
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Pre-published on: March 01, 2022
Published on: May 24, 2022
The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment that uses the upgraded NuMI beam from Fermilab to measure electron-neutrino appearance and muon-neutrino disappearance between the Near Detector, located at Fermilab, and the Far Detector, located at Ash River, Minnesota. NOvA's primary physics goals include precision measurements of oscillation parameters, such as $\theta_{23}$ and the atmospheric mass-squared splitting, along with probes of the mass hierarchy and of the CP-violating phase. This talk will cover NOvA’s most recent three-flavor oscillation results, based on a neutrino beam exposure of 13.6E20 protons-on-target and an anti-neutrino beam exposure of 12.5E20 protons-on-target.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.380.0289
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