PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 383 - MathemAmplitudes 2019: Intersection Theory & Feynman Integrals (MA2019) - Session 2: Intersection Theory, Integral Relations and Applications to Physics
Maximal Cuts and Wick Rotations
E. Remiddi
Full text: pdf
Published on: February 15, 2022
The evaluation of a maxcut amplitude by the direct integration of the loop
momenta gives in general a vanishing result, as the $ \delta $ functions
impose overconstrained restrictions to the integration region.
It is proposed to relax the constraints, so that a non vanishing result
for the maxcuts can be obtained, by giving Minkoskian (rather than Euclidean)
metric to the components not spanned by the physical momenta, including the
regularising components of the continuous regularisation scheme.
As an example, the one and two loop Bhabha box amplitudes are considered.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.383.0002
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