Charm status and prospects at Belle II
J. Kumar* and On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Pre-published on:
October 04, 2021
Published on:
November 10, 2021
The Belle II experiment started collecting data in summer 2018 and since then more than 176 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity has been collected. With the current sample size, charm measurements are focused mostly on early reconstruction and studies of detector performance. In this proceeding, we present the current status and prospects of the charm measurements with the target luminosity of 50 ab$^{-1}$ at Belle II. In particular, the $D^{0}$ and $D^{+}$ lifetime study, time-integrated charge-parity ($CP$) asymmetries, $D^{0}-\bar{D}^{0}$ mixing and decay-time-dependent $CP$ violation measurements are discussed.
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