The 10th edition of the International Conference series on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions was hosted as an online conference from June 1st until June 5th 2020, with a student day on May 31st.
The conference focused on experimental and theoretical developments of perturbative probes of hot and dense QCD matter as studied in high-energy nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus and proton-proton collisions.
Specifically, topics for discussion included:
- Nuclear PDFs and hard processes in nuclei
- Early time dynamics
- Jets and their modification in QCD matter
- High momentum hadrons and correlations
- Heavy quarks and quarkonia
- EM and electroweak probes
- Future experimental facilities
- New theoretical developments
Sessions |
Preface |
Plenary |
Flash Talk |
Electroweak Probes |
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |
Initial State |
Jets and High Momentum Hadrons |
New Experimental Developments |
New Theoretical Developments |
Preface |
Hard Probes 2020 PoS(HardProbes2020)193 pdf |
Plenary |
LHCb: Recent Results and Future Plans PoS(HardProbes2020)004 pdf |
Overview of STAR Results at Hard Probes 2020 PoS(HardProbes2020)005 pdf |
Learning about the QCD medium using electromagnetic and weak probes PoS(HardProbes2020)007 pdf |
Electroweak Probes Experimental Overview: TimeEvolution of Electroweak Measurements PoS(HardProbes2020)008 pdf |
Early Time Dynamics and Bulk PoS(HardProbes2020)010 pdf |
A brief walk through: Current status of experimental jet physics PoS(HardProbes2020)011 pdf |
Jets as a probe of the quark-gluon plasma PoS(HardProbes2020)012 pdf |
Jet Substructure PoS(HardProbes2020)013 pdf |
Multi-Parton Interactions and Underlying Event: A PYTHIA Perspective PoS(HardProbes2020)016 pdf |
Effective Field Theories and Lattice for Hard Probes PoS(HardProbes2020)017 pdf |
Open Heavy Flavor: Theory PoS(HardProbes2020)018 pdf |
Quarkonia: Theory PoS(HardProbes2020)020 pdf |
Quarkonium: Experimental Overview PoS(HardProbes2020)021 pdf |
Electroweak Physics: Summary PoS(HardProbes2020)026 pdf |
Initial State Summary of Hard Probes 2020 PoS(HardProbes2020)027 pdf |
Summary: Jets and High-pT PoS(HardProbes2020)028 pdf |
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia PoS(HardProbes2020)029 pdf |
Flash Talk |
Probing jet medium interactions via $Z$+jet momentum imbalances PoS(HardProbes2020)031 pdf |
Untangling the evolution of heavy ion collisions using direct photon interferometry PoS(HardProbes2020)033 pdf |
Nuclear modification factor of electrons from open beauty-hadron decays in Pb–Pb collisions at√sNN=5.02 TeV with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)034 pdf |
Measurement of semi-inclusive jet fragmentation functions in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV in STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)035 pdf |
Disentangling Jet Modification PoS(HardProbes2020)037 pdf |
Electroweak Probes |
Electroweak probes in heavy-ion collisions with ATLAS PoS(HardProbes2020)038 pdf |
Event-plane decorrelation of photons produced in the early stage of heavy-ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)039 pdf |
PHENIX results on direct photon production from Au+Au collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)041 pdf |
Measurements of dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}$ = 27 and 54.4 GeV with the STAR experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)045 pdf |
Evidence of shadowing in inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section PoS(HardProbes2020)046 pdf |
Low-mass dielectron measurements in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC PoS(HardProbes2020)047 pdf |
Production of W+jets in Relativistic heavy-ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)049 pdf |
The NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS: physics goals and prospects PoS(HardProbes2020)050 pdf |
Photon-jet correlations in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions using JETSCAPE framework PoS(HardProbes2020)051 pdf |
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |
Heavy Flavor Kinematic Correlations in Cold Nuclear Matter PoS(HardProbes2020)053 pdf |
Open heavy-flavour production from small to large collision systems with ALICE at the LHC PoS(HardProbes2020)055 pdf |
Open heavy-flavor production in pPb collisions at LHCb PoS(HardProbes2020)056 pdf |
Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/$\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ Productions at RHIC with the STAR Experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)057 pdf |
Transport coefficients from in medium quarkonium dynamics PoS(HardProbes2020)059 pdf |
Study of heavy-flavor jets in a transport approach PoS(HardProbes2020)060 pdf |
New PHENIX Results on Mid-Rapidity Bottom and Charm Production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 200 GeV PoS(HardProbes2020)063 pdf |
Coupled Transport Equations for Quarkonium Production in Heavy Ion Collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)064 pdf |
Measurement of D$^\pm$ meson production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)065 pdf |
Multiplicity dependence of $D$ and $J/\psi$ production in small collision systems PoS(HardProbes2020)066 pdf |
Probing the multi-scale dynamical interaction between heavy quarks and the QGP using JETSCAPE PoS(HardProbes2020)067 pdf |
Directed flow induced by electromagnetic fields in heavy ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)068 pdf |
Production of $D_{s}^{\pm}$ mesons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV by STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)192 pdf |
Directed, elliptic and triangular flow of D mesons in ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)071 pdf |
$J/\psi$ production in jets in p+p collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 500 GeV by STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)072 pdf |
Quarkonia production in pPb collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)075 pdf |
Z production in pPb collisions at LHCb PoS(HardProbes2020)077 pdf |
Charmed-baryon production and hadronization studies with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)079 pdf |
Measurements of nuclear modification factors of $B_{S}^{0}$ and $B^{+}$ mesons in PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)080 pdf |
X(3872) Transport at the LHC PoS(HardProbes2020)087 pdf |
Study of charm hadronization via $\Lambda_c$ and $D_s$ production in pp and PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)088 pdf |
Production and azimuthal anisotropy of muons from heavy flavor decays in small and large systems with ATLAS PoS(HardProbes2020)089 pdf |
Open charm and dileptons from relativistic heavy-ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)090 pdf |
Measurements of electron production from heavy flavor decays in p+p and Au+Au collisions at√sNN= 200 GeV at STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)092 pdf |
Heavy-flavour observables within a (3+1)D transport approach PoS(HardProbes2020)093 pdf |
Measurement of quarkonium polarization in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)095 pdf |
Theoretical approaches to describe open charm hadronproduction in heavy-ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)096 pdf |
Radial profile of heavy quarks in jets in high-energy nuclear collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)097 pdf |
Heavy-flavour studies with a high-luminosity fixed-target experiment at the LHC PoS(HardProbes2020)190 pdf |
Initial State |
Evidence for top quark production in nucleus-nucleuscollisions PoS(HardProbes2020)191 pdf |
Exclusive J/ψ photoproduction off deuteron in d+Au ultra-peripheral collisions at STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)100 pdf |
Dipole model at Next-to-Leading Order meets HERA data PoS(HardProbes2020)101 pdf |
Finite Nc corrections in the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation at next-to-leading order PoS(HardProbes2020)102 pdf |
Measurements of $v_n$ at high-$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ and correlation between $v_n$ and mean-$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ in $p$+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector PoS(HardProbes2020)103 pdf |
Forward quark jet-nucleus scattering in a light-front Hamiltonian approach PoS(HardProbes2020)105 pdf |
Exploring potential jet modification in small collision systems with two particle correlations at PHENIX PoS(HardProbes2020)107 pdf |
Recent quarkonium measurements in small systems with the ALICE detector at the LHC PoS(HardProbes2020)108 pdf |
PHENIX results on J/psi from small systems PoS(HardProbes2020)109 pdf |
Recent ALICE results on photon-induced J/ψ production PoS(HardProbes2020)110 pdf |
Measurements of long-range correlations in $\mathrm{\gamma A}$ and $pp$ collisions with ATLAS PoS(HardProbes2020)111 pdf |
Measurement of electroweak-boson production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)112 pdf |
Semi-inclusive charged jet production dependence on event activity at high backward-rapidity in $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV $p$+Au collisions at STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)113 pdf |
Measurement of transverse flow and longitudinal flow decorrelations in $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$=5.44~TeV Xe+Xe collisions with ATLAS PoS(HardProbes2020)117 pdf |
Kinetic and Chemical Equilibration of Quark-Gluon Plasma PoS(HardProbes2020)119 pdf |
Importance of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Entropy Scaling PoS(HardProbes2020)120 pdf |
Jets and High Momentum Hadrons |
Measurement of inclusive jet production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\textrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)123 pdf |
Jet fragmentation function in heavy-ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)124 pdf |
Full solution of the medium-induced radiation spectrum PoS(HardProbes2020)125 pdf |
Jet acoplanarity via hadron+jet measurements in Pb–Pbcollisions at√sNN=5.02 TeV with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)127 pdf |
In-medium transverse momentum broadening effects ondi-jet observables PoS(HardProbes2020)128 pdf |
Jet quenching and scaling properties of medium-evolved gluon cascade in expanding media PoS(HardProbes2020)129 pdf |
Simple implementation of color coherence for the resumation of soft BDMPS-Z gluons PoS(HardProbes2020)130 pdf |
Measurement of γ+jet and $\pi^{0}$ +jet in central Au+Aucollisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$= 200 GeV with the STAR experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)132 pdf |
Reconstructed Jet Measurements in p+p, d+Au andCu+Au collisions using PHENIX PoS(HardProbes2020)133 pdf |
String shoving effects on jets in p-p collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)134 pdf |
Inclusive Jet Measurements in Pb-Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV with ALICE using Machine Learning Techniques PoS(HardProbes2020)135 pdf |
Energy loss and equilibration of jets in a QCD plasma. PoS(HardProbes2020)137 pdf |
Full resummation analysis of jet quenching and tests of the QCD Equation of State PoS(HardProbes2020)138 pdf |
Jet Quenching in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)139 pdf |
Jet substructure measurements in pp and Pb–Pbcollisions a $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02$ TeV with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)141 pdf |
Dynamical grooming at work: from p+p to Pb+Pb PoS(HardProbes2020)142 pdf |
Nuclear modification of full jet energy and jet structure at the LHC energies PoS(HardProbes2020)143 pdf |
Jet substructure in p+p and p+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV at STAR PoS(HardProbes2020)144 pdf |
Jet charge modification in dense QCD matter PoS(HardProbes2020)145 pdf |
Investigating Hard Splittings via Jet Substructure in pp and Pb--Pb Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)146 pdf |
Jet suppression from small to large radius PoS(HardProbes2020)147 pdf |
Cone-size dependent jet spectrum in heavy-ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)148 pdf |
Measurements of groomed heavy-flavour jet substructure with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)149 pdf |
Constraints on jet quenching from a multi-stage energy-loss approach PoS(HardProbes2020)150 pdf |
An extraction of jet transport coefficient in cold nuclear matter from world data PoS(HardProbes2020)152 pdf |
Jet quenching in the hadron gas: an exploratory study PoS(HardProbes2020)155 pdf |
Search for jet quenching effects in high-multiplicityproton-proton collisions at√s=13TeV PoS(HardProbes2020)156 pdf |
First Results from Hybrid Hadronization in Small and Large Systems PoS(HardProbes2020)158 pdf |
Light meson nuclear modification factor in p-Pb collisions over an unprecedented $p_\mathrm{T}$ range with ALICE PoS(HardProbes2020)159 pdf |
Medium response from mini-jets and in-medium hadronization in relativistic heavy ion collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)160 pdf |
Resolving the spacetime structure of jets with medium PoS(HardProbes2020)161 pdf |
PHENIX results on nuclear modification of hadron production in small and large systems PoS(HardProbes2020)162 pdf |
Quantifying the light parton transport properties with jet and hadron $R_{AA}$ PoS(HardProbes2020)163 pdf |
Gradient Tomography of Jet Quenching in High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)165 pdf |
Open and hidden strangeness production study via high pT dihadron correlations in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC PoS(HardProbes2020)166 pdf |
Calculating the energy loss of leading jets PoS(HardProbes2020)169 pdf |
Studies of quark-like and gluon-like contributions to jets using jet charge measurements in pp and PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)170 pdf |
Measurements of photon- and Z-tagged jet quenching by ATLAS PoS(HardProbes2020)171 pdf |
A study of $\gamma$-hadron correlation in p + Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02$ TeV PoS(HardProbes2020)173 pdf |
Evolution of jet shapes and fragmentation functions in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=200$ GeV with the STAR experiment at RHIC PoS(HardProbes2020)174 pdf |
New Experimental Developments |
Heavy flavor and jet studies for the future Electron-Ion Collider PoS(HardProbes2020)175 pdf |
LHC Run 3 and Run 4 prospects for heavy-ion physics with LHCb PoS(HardProbes2020)176 pdf |
New opportunities in heavy ion physics at HL-LHC with a MIP Timing Detector at the CMS experiment PoS(HardProbes2020)178 pdf |
STAR Forward Rapidity Upgrade PoS(HardProbes2020)179 pdf |
New Theoretical Developments |
Entanglement, partial set of measurements, and diagonality of the density matrix in the parton model PoS(HardProbes2020)180 pdf |
The problem of overlapping formation times: A (nearly) complete result for QCD PoS(HardProbes2020)181 pdf |
On gauge invariance of transverse momentum dependent distributions at small x PoS(HardProbes2020)182 pdf |
QCD Correlations in Multiple Gluon Bremsstrahlung PoS(HardProbes2020)183 pdf |
Heavy quark radiative energy loss in nuclei within the improved high-twist approach PoS(HardProbes2020)184 pdf |
Lattice calculation of transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ in pure gluon plasma and (2+1)-flavor QCD plasma PoS(HardProbes2020)186 pdf |
Beyond the wake: non-hydrodynamic response of an expanding Quark-gluon plasma PoS(HardProbes2020)187 pdf |
Photon-jet production cross section and angular correlations in high energy proton-nucleus collisions PoS(HardProbes2020)188 pdf |
Photon radiation from quark-gluon plasma by means of chiral anomalies without magnetic field PoS(HardProbes2020)189 pdf |