Study of heavy-flavor jets in a transport approach
W. Ke*, X.N. Wang, W. Fan and S.A. Bass
Published on:
September 01, 2021
Measurements at the RHIC and the LHC have observed flavor dependence of single-hadron suppression, which reveal the role played by quark masses in the parton interactions with the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) medium. In this study, we explore the manifestation of quark mass effect and flavor dependence in jet observables. We approach this study using the LIDO transport model. Both elastic and medium-induced radiative processes are implemented for hard parton evolution in the medium. To guarantee energy-momentum conservation in the model for the study of full jet observables, we also include a component that mimics the energy-momentum transported by medium excitation. We first predict the heavy-jet (B-jet, D-jet) and inclusive-jet nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ in central nuclear collisions at both the RHIC and the LHC beam energies. We observe a flavor-dependent jet suppression as a function of jet transverse momentum, which can be tested by future precision measurements of heavy jets. We further investigate a novel observable that considers the angular correlation between two hard objects: a D-meson and a jet, which provides model constraints in addition to those imposed by inclusive measurements.
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