Exploring potential jet modification in small collision systems with two particle correlations at PHENIX
C.P. Wong* and On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Published on:
September 01, 2021
Flow results in the small collision systems at RHIC and the LHC indicate QGP droplets are formed in these small systems. Measurements of jet $R_{pA}$ on the other hand shows that there is no modification to the jets. However, non-zero $v_n$ values for high momentum particles, which in ${A+A}$ collisions are attributed to path-length dependent energy loss, have been observed in small systems. To further probe possible modification to jet particles, PHENIX measures the relative modification of the near and away-side jet particles in $\pi^0$-hadron correlations in $200$~GeV ${d+Au}$ and $^3He+Au$ collisions. Similar modification as observed in ${A+A}$ collision, such as suppression of high $p_T$ particle yield and enhancement of low momentum associated with the high $p_T$ trigger have been observed in ${d+Au}$ collisions. These surprising results have now also been seen in $^3He+Au$ data. These PHENIX measurements and possible interpretations of these intriguing results are presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.387.0107
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