Reconstructed Jet Measurements in p+p, d+Au andCu+Au collisions using PHENIX
M. Patel* and On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Published on:
September 01, 2021
Nuclear modification factor measurements of jets in d+Au and Cu+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV at mid-rapidity have been performed in PHENIX. Jets are reconstructed from charged particle tracks and electromagnetic calorimeter clusters with the anti-$k_{T}$ algorithm. The measurements are unfolded for detector response. While the nuclear modification factor for centrality integrated data in d+Au collisions is found to be consistent with unity, the centrality-selected modification factor shows substantial deviations from unity. New measurements in p+Au collisions will provide crucial information for understanding the anomalous relationship between hard and soft processes in p/d+A systems. Meanwhile the Cu+Au collision system offers an intermediate testing ground for heavy ion jet reconstruction between small systems and those with the largest heavy ions. The underlying event in Cu+Au events is smaller when compared to that in the largest heavy ion systems, simplifying the extraction of the jet signals, but still achieving the large energy densities needed to drive substantial in-medium energy loss. To further explore the modification of the jets in Cu+Au collisions, jet fragmentation functions and jet grooming studies accessing the jet substructure have been performed. This talk presented the latest results from the reconstruction jet studies in PHENIX and their implications for energy loss in the quark gluon plasma.
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