Neutrino mass, $0\nu\beta\beta$ signature in doublet left-right symmetric theories and its cosmological implications
C. Majumdar*, S. Senapati, S. Patra and U.A. Yajnik
Pre-published on:
January 04, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
We consider a version of doublet Left-Right Symmetric Model (LRSM) in which the scalar sector consists of a Higgs bidoublet ($\Phi$), Higgs doublets ($H_{L,R}$) and a charged scalar ($\delta^+$) with $B-L=2$ leading to one-loop generated Majorana masses for neutrinos and thereby, leads to beyond Standard Model (BSM) contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay ($0\nu \beta \beta$). We embed such a novel framework in a non-SUSY $SO(10)$ GUT leading to successful gauge coupling unification for two different scenarios. Due to sizeable $W_L-W_R$ mixing to neutrinoless double beta decay, this model can saturate the present bound from GERDA and KamLAND-Zen experiments. Also, we briefly explain how keV-MeV range RH neutrino arising from our model can be considered as warm Dark Matter (DM) candidate to address various cosmological issues.
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