KOTO: Status and Prospects
K. Shiomi* on behalf of the KOTO Collaboration
Published on:
October 07, 2021
The KOTO experiment at the J-PARC 30GeV Main Ring aims to observe the $K^{0}_{L}\rightarrow \pi^{0} \nu \bar{\nu}$ decay. This decay, which directly breaks the CP symmetry, is highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM), and has small theoretical uncertainties, is sensitive to new physics beyond the SM. The KOTO experiment has been accumulating physics data since 2013 with several detector and DAQ upgrades. We are finalizing the analysis of the dataset taken in 2016-2018. The status of the 2016-2018 data analysis is reported in this paper.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.391.0055
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